Sunday, June 30, 2024

nap? nah

 I tried hard to take a nap today

    I let Emily's dogs out,. went to the store, came home, got Jackie lunch and settled down on the red porch chair.

    At some point, Beth wanted to come out, so I got up to let her out.

    Then I got a bug bite and had to go put some anti inch stuff on it.

    Believe it or not, I got chilly, so I covered myself in a blanket.  Then the gnats started buzzing my head, so I pulled the blanket over my head.

    Then Beth wanted in, so I let her in.

    While I was supine on the porch, looking like a South American mummy, I could hear the flap of birds' wings.

    I think, but don't know for sure, but  the birdies may have been using my porch fountain as a bird bath!  I see lots of evidence of birds sitting on the railing near the fountain, and they sure sounded close.  I kept hoping one would land on my head, but none did.

    At some point I had to use the can.

    At another point, Jackie had to use the can.

    And at some point, I realized a nap was not to be had.  Which is too bad, because I was really tired.

    I could have mowed today, but I have decided Sundays are quiet days for me.  No mowing, no running the tractor, no screaming at the top of my lungs out the back door when the Cubs get hit with a 7 run inning.

    There is always tomorrow.  Hopefully. nTo mow, not to scream.  Again.

    And with that, I hope to start getting. ready for bed.

Peace and Love

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