Wednesday, June 12, 2024


 Sometimes I have a 'what?' issue

    I am talking about my favorite tv commercial.  It's the one with the guy stranded on the island, he finally discovered he can use his credit card to flash out a signal and gets picked up by a helicopter

    He asked the pilot if she is from search and rescue and she replies, "No, I'm from the resort," which as on the other side of the island and when he sees it he goes, "Whaaaaat?"

    Every time I see it I laugh.

    Today I went in to pay a bill.

    I wanted a copy of the receipt, so I asked:

    "Good I have...." and stopped.  That was not what I wanted to say.

    "No, not good I have, but good I have...."  and stopped again.

        I counted to 3, took a deep breath and said, "Could I have a copy of the receipt p showing it was paid. please."

        She said yes and stamped it.

        Then she said, "They know our scam."

        I said what scam?

        She looked at me and said, "I didn't say scam, I said stamp."

        And yes, I did have my hearing aids in.

    Went to Walmart and ran into someone I have known for a while and could not remember their name.  She kept calling me Terry, and I kept talking and in my mind I am going thru the Rolodex  of names.

    As I was leaving the store I blurted out  "LuAnn!"  Which seemed to surprise the other people around me.

    All I did today was errands.  Noting taxing, nothing tiring, nothing that required any effort at all.

    Lucky thing too, because if I was tired I might have been even more incoherent .

Peace and Love

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