Tuesday, June 18, 2024

odds and ends

I really don't have a topic today 

    We did take a ride to Julia's lot.  Seems someone has been digging there!

    Her house is finally underway.  She is excited.  I am nervous.

    She has lots of trees around her house and I am wary of 2 of them.....but she feels they are ok.  My pessimistic nature has them falling on her house during a storm.

    Speaking of storms, we had nothing again today.  Cloudy morning, no rain, plenty of heat.  

    Speaking of heat, the Trib had an article about local people going to see Taylor Swift in Europe.

    One lady said the tickets for Swift's Eras tour are on the secondary market for over $2,000 for the upcoming shows in Indianapolis.

    This lady said she paid $500 for a show ticket in Amsterdam, and then spent $2,000 on a hotel/flight package.  She was going to meet up with a couple of college friends, so she felt it was a good deal.

    The article also noted the average price for a ticket to the Era's shows about $!,088!  That wasn't even the most expensive average!!  I think Alicia Keys was higher than that.

    Maybe it's just me, but I would not pay that much for any concert ticket.

    A couple of years ago Paul McCartney was doing a show in  the Quad Cities and there were tickets for about $300.  I did not buy one, and have regretted it ever since.

    But I do have my limits.

    New topic.

    We always seem to be getting stuff in the mail:  return address labels, pens, notepads, calendars.....you probably get them too.  We never send a contribution.  

    Several  months ago we got a small flashlight from Doctors Without Borders.  It had a little clip so you could carry it in a shirt pocket or in your underwear if so inclined.

    I kept it on my little bedside  table so when I got up at night I could have a light without waking Jackie.  Honestly, it is a great little light.

    Or was.

    I dropped it about 6 weeks ago and could not shut it off.  It has kind of a halogen bean and is pretty bright.

    Funny thing...... I put it in the bathroom to see how long it lasted.  It is still on, although the light is faint.  It is noticeable at night.

    I just may send the good doctors a donation because of the light.

    Speaking of light, starting next week days get shorter.  I hope they also get cooler.  And less windy.  And with some rain.

Peace and Love

Lots of dirt

No, this is not a root cellar

The trees with double trunks worry me

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