Saturday, June 8, 2024


 I have come to realize I am no youngster

    The plan for today was to move mulch in the morning, go to a party in the afternoon, do some weeding after the party.

    But after a night of interrupted sleep, I just could not do it.

    My body was sore.  Goring up and down stairs at Johanna's took a toll.  And I swear, at about 3 a.m. the telephone rang!  It was one long ring, then  it stopped.   Everyone knows when a phone rings at 3 a.m. the news is not good, but it only rang once.  And when I checked the phone there were no missed calls.  Hmmm.......

    I thought maybe the Cubs were calling me to offer a chance to sing the stretch or play second base, but then my paranoid self took over and I had a whole bunch of scenarios going off in my mind.  

    Luckily none were true.  Actually, it would be neat to sing the stretch.  Oh well.

    So I relaxed this morning.  Yes, I did wash and dry sheets and towels in the morning.  Well, almost in the morning.  I went to put the towels in the dryer and discovered I never started the washer.

    I went onto the porch a little after 1 with the idea of taking a nap before going to a retirement party.  I like sleeping on the porch.  Fresh air, sounds of the neighborhood, birds chirping.

    Unfortunately it rained on me and I had to move into the house to continue my nap.

    We finally made it to the party, and it took 104 people to move the wheelchair into the house.

    Actually, it was pretty easy to do.  Coming out was even easier.

    Our friend Wendy retired after 40 years with the city of Rochelle!  Renee hosted a party and although we were later arrivals, we had a good time with the people there.

    But I had no interest in weeding afterwards. 

    One benefit to the day was I did not watch another dreadful Cubs game.  Getting tired of the lack of production.  But I still love the Cubs.

    Maybe tomorrow?

Peace and Love

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