Wednesday, June 26, 2024

rabbit hole

 I got lost today

    Maybe lost is not the correct word.

    I wanted to see about flooding in Minnesota and the dam that was in danger of failing.

    Then I looked at videos of cities in Iowa.  And at videos from Zermatt, where they had terrible flooding through town last week.

    Zermatt, by the way, is the town to go to if you want to see the Matterhorn.  It is a way neat town, car free, and all the city vehicles are electric.  

    Heavy rains in the mountains caused major flooding and the videos were  plentiful on line.

    I got to the Reels section on Facebook and spent the next 45 minutes or so looking at floods.  Some were in Spain, some Mexico, Japan, China, Germany.... almost anyplace there is water.

    I could not tell where these floods were, or even when in some cases,  because many were not in English and there were no subtitles

    Some of the Reels were the landslide in China, or the huge section of land with several houses on it breaking off and floating off to sea, only to be inundated by the water.

    I had a fixation.  I could not stop watching.

    The one that really shook me was from 1958 in Alaska.  

    A fishing boat was calmly sitting in the water when an earthquake caused a gigantic section of a mountain to fall into the sea.

    A tsunami followed.  If I remember, it was 120 feet high, or some crazy number.

    The guy in the fishing boat gunned the engines and drove right straight toward it!  The wave was gigantic!

    (I am using !! because it was exciting!!)

    He went up the wave and over the top, like a giant roller coaster.  When he came down, the sea was as calm as can be.

    I am wondering how he filmed it.  In 1958 there were no mobile phones to capture events.  He must have had a camera set up already on the back of he boat.

    There was no expiation....just the video.

    I am thinking the earthquake was the Good Friday event that caused entire neighborhoods to disappear in Anchorage.

    When I was younger I used to listed to Paul Harvey on the radio.  He did a thing called "The Rest of the Story."

    I would sure like to hear the rest of the story on a lot of those floods.  I'd especially like to hear from the guy on the boat, but I realize he could be in his 90s, or even passed.  I guess I will never find out.

    But who knows?  Maybe the wonderful world of Google can fill me in on the rest of the story.

Peace and Love

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