Sunday, June 23, 2024

stormy weather

Today was actually quite nice 

    After a couple of hot days, we had a cold front come through.  

    Along with the front came some rain, welcome rain.  I had 2 inches in the rain gauge this morning!

    I opted out of mowing today for two reasons:  First, it is Sunday and that should be a quiet day.  Second, I wanted the grass to dry a little.  But tomorrow, I mow.  

    I did go to buy a couple of plants today.

    As I drove to the nursery, I saw a friend out watering plants.  I stopped to visit and 35 or so minutes later I left.

    It was great sitting in the shade, with the breeze, the quiet, the trees. the conversation .....I could have stayed for much longer.

    We  had a great visit.

    I did buy some plants and learned the problem of planting one species of a plant over and over.

    In the front of our house we have some boxwoods, and in-between the boxwoods we have heucerha, (Which I know is not spelled correctly) or coral bells.  We have about 15 of the plants, all the same variety.

    But the good folks said they could not get that particular variety this year.  The person added that sometimes plant varieties are dropped, which may be the case with this one.

    If so, I have to find another species that looks like it to fill in 2 empty spots.

    Or I could find a totally different species to add variety, but it may look strange. 

    I can also look at moving a couple from my slope and replacing those with a couple of varieties.

    Whatever, I did not do it today.

    In fact, I did nothing today that was on my to do list.  Nook table is a mess. stairs still not cleaned, porch still not swept, den has not been dusted........ I hope the during the next hot spell starting Tuesday I can get some of that done.

    I hope.  Heaven's knows I did not get it done during the last hot spell. 

    But being a Cubs fan, I can always hope.  Or wait til next year,

Peace and Love

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