Sunday, June 16, 2024

Ripped it

I can't believe today

    Julia came in to our bedroom and said, "Do you know what time it is?"

    I admitted I did not.

    ""It's 11 a.m.!"

    Yikes!!  I did not realize that at all.

    Our cuckoo clock usually gets me going, but for some reason it stopped at about 8:30.  So, no cuckoo to help me tell time.

    My excuse was Jackie.

    I was up at 9:30, but she was sound asleep and I did not want to wake her.  So I went back to bed....and I guess I fell asleep.

    By the time she was ready for the day, it was a little after 1....and I was making her scrambled eggs and bacon. For lunch.

    The rest of the day passed pretty quickly.  I let out Emily's dogs while she worked, went to the store, read the Trib and it was supper time.

    I will skip over watching the Cubs because they were on Roku and I could not get them.  Julia eventually did, but it wasn't until the 7th inning.  By then I was on my way to the store.  I did not see another frustrating ending for this team.  Boy, I do mean frustrating.

    We had a severe weather alert.

    About 4 the sky was dark, the winds picked up, and. then the sky turned a funny brown, which was the dirt blowing!  The winds were really strong and another alert announced that we were in a severe t-storm warning.

    And then the rain started.  It rained for 10 or 15 seconds....did not even get the patio wet.  The wind died down, the temp dropped, and it was a great night to grill some steaks.

    Emily came over after work and we had dinner tighter.  I was very careful to chew only on my right side of my mouth and I don't think any food worked over to the left.  But for some reason, I hurt more today than I did yesterday.  Go figure.

    And that's the story of my Rip VanWinkle day.

Peace and Love

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