Tuesday, June 4, 2024


That is how I feel right now 

    I am. ready to toss out something I don't think I have ever tossed out before.  EVER!!!!

    I had a little half bottle of white sangria wine.

    I have had red sangria.  In Barcelona.  Spain.  On vacation.

    I had it with tapas at a restaurant and it was good.  

    Of course, it had stuff in it...fruit, oysters, dead bats.... but it tasted fine.

    I wanted a little wine tonight with supper.  I figured a half bottle was good, because that is a glass tonight and one tomorrow.

    But holy cow!  I could not even drink 1 glass!.


    You read that right.  I could not stand it ... too sweet, too syrupy, too what ever.

    We had brats tonight.  I thought a little wine would be good.  I knew it was going to rain, so I started early...just not early enough.

    As soon as I put the brats on the grill outside, it started lightly raining.

    As soon as I took the brats off it stopped.

    Meanwhile, I was wet.  And dry. And thirsty.

    I thought my day could not get any worse, but I turned on the Cubs.  They are playing the worst team in baseball, a team that does not score runs, does not hit, and is on pace  to lose 110 games this year.  Cubs have their best pitcher going. 

    Cubs are losing 5--0.  And in a rain delay.

    Two waves of storms have approached us, but disappeared by the time they reached our house.  I hope it rains, because the gardens need it.

    Meanwhile, I think I will look for another  bottle of a different wine for tomorrow.  

Peace and Love

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