Saturday, June 22, 2024

How old is old?

 I really want to know how old old is

    I mean, every thing has an expiration date, even us.  We just don't have it stamped on our foreheads or bottoms, like a lot of products do.    

    Jackie has asked several times in the past few months if we had any French onion dip and some chips.  I have always said we had chips, but no dip.  I could just buy the dip, but if I don't write it down, I don't think of it.

    I was looking through the fridge yesterday and behind a box of something, I found some French onion dip.

    It had a January expiration date. 

     January!!  How the hell did I not see that before June 21?

    It's the undated things that add a thrill to life.

    Like, is the sausage and spaetzle we had for dinner Monday still good on Saturday?  Can you keep cooked pasta in the fridge for 4 days and still eat it?  Check that.  Should you keep cooked pasta for 4 days and then eat it?  You can do almost anything, but that doesn't mean you should.


    For example:  Yes, you can take up 2 parking spaces in the pick up lot for the pizza.  But as a common courtesy, should you?  And when 2 people do that, and there are 2 delivery vehicles, and only 6 spaces, someone has to walk down a stinky alley with hot pizza burning their hands and the blazing sunburning their heads.


    Julia is very particular about left overs.  If it sits more than 4 days, she tosses it.  I, on t he other hand, being far more adventurous  (and cheap) will still attempt to eat food that does not have green on the top or sides.

    Except cheese.  I just scrape the green off because isn't cheese just really rotting milk parts?

    But I do have my limits. The watermelon that tasted tangy, gone.  The potato salad that was there for a while, gone.  Outdated milk, gone. Unidentified containers....tasted, then gone.

    Someday I know I will pay for my ineptitude.  Hopefully, that will come after my expiration date.

Peace and Love



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