Wednesday, June 19, 2024

huh, again

 My garden is not doing well

    I have some beans, some carrots, but every thing looks so pathetic.

    I may have discovered the problem.

    I have an automatic timer.  It has 2 hoses hooked to it, so at a certain time hose 1 goes on, shuts off, and then 2 goes on, then shuts off.

    Well......they do not work if you turn the water off!

    My hoses were shooting blanks.  And no, that is not a suggestive phrase.

    Yes, I should have checked and I did.  They were working fine.  But I somehow turned off the water, despite being out there twice and wondering why they were not watering.  I thought I had the. wrong day.

    I hope it makes a difference.

    I picked up some dog food for Beth.  I usually get a 20 pound bag, and it lasts for a couple of months.

    But I could not find the 20 pound bag at the vet's office. 

    The pretty young girl working the counter said the 20 pound bag is now the 16.5 pound bag, at the same price.

    Almost 25 percent less.  Same price.  

    Jackie had a doc appointment and usually we call some friends to meet at Ollie's for a frozen treat.  But since it was so hot, and heat is terrible for MS patients, we didn't call.

    And that's too bad because I enjoy outings like that.

    Maybe next time.

    Anyway, it's little after 9 and I am just finishing up watering plants on the slope.

    After supper I weeded the veggies, fixed the hose situation, and watered plants.  I waited until later in the day because it was so darn hot,

    Hoping we get rain......

Peace and Love

Hard to tell, but this is a little green frog/toad on my siding.

At first I thought it was an animal's entrails, but when I touched it, it puffed!  Some kind of fungus among us

Coneflowers and the strawberry moon......

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