Thursday, June 13, 2024


 I had a tooth extracted today

    In case you didn't know, I am the biggest baby around when it comes to medical things.

    So this was a big deal for me.  I did not sleep well last night, fearing the pain and agony of a tooth extraction.

    By the way, when I was younger they pulled teeth.  Make an appointment, get it pulled.  Today I had a reservation for the extraction.

    I opted for a general.  And I am glad I did.

    When I woke up it was all done, my mouth was packed with gauze,  and the good doc was sending me on my way.

    I go back in 2 months to see about an implant and to check on the healing.

    Funny thing.  Julia drove me over and had to wait for me.  Then we went to Target and HyVee.  I waited in the car with the windows down and it was pretty darn comfortable.

    I had a Starbucks.....and when I got home I asked how I got it!  I ordered it on. the phone and Julia went in to pick it up, but that is all a blur to me.  Guess I was still a little goofy.

    For food today I have had 1 yogurt and a can of soup, being careful to chew the chicken chunks on my right side only.

    When Julia was in the store she bought me some soup, but I misunderstood her and opened a can.  She bought fresh soup in the store.  That will be tomorrow's fare.

    She also bought some cake slices.  I had half a piece of a chocolate meringue and Jackie had half a piece of a coconut meringue.  We are saving the rest until tomorrow.

    Beth also tot trimmed up. today.  Julia took here to the groomers for a summer cut.

    Care for Jackie is always a concern.  I was not to do any heavy lifting for 2 days to make sure I did not cause the clot to break away.  So we had help in today until 4:30 and someone is coming tomorrow morning to help get Jackie showered  and dressed, which is where most of the lifting gets done.

    Tonight Emily is coming over and Julia and Emily will help Jackie get into bed.  

    I spent the afternoon sipping my iced coffee and reading while sitting on the porch.  The breeze was nice, the gnats a pain, and yes, I did nap.

    Hopefully I will do the same tomorrow but I would prefer a no gnat day.

Peace and Love

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