Friday, June 28, 2024


 I honestly don't know what I did

    I had 3 things I wanted to order on line.

    The first one went smoothly.  Order placed.  Confirmation received.

    The other 2?   Not really sure.

    I might have ordered on thing, , I might have ordered 10 or 15 of them.  At no point was my order confirmed .  

    So, I am not sure what to do.  I guess I will just let sleeping dogs lay and wait t see what shows up on my bill.

    The hell of it is, one thing I ordered is a knob to attach my shearing blade to the actual shearer.  The original knob might be in the bush I was trimming,, in the grass, or in the bag of clippings the should be in a compost yard.

    Believe me.  I have looked in the first 2 spots multiple times.

    Without the knob I can't attach the blade.

    Cost of the knob? 85 cents.

    I figured why order only 1?  So I ordered 5, went through the process of credit card, address, etc and hit the place order button.  Nothing.

    So I hit it again.


    I called the customer service number, but it was closed at 5 p.m. Eastern time and it was now 4:10 our time, so I was a little late.

    Tomorrow, when we are in Rockford, I will stop at the big box store where it came from and see if they have the knobs because I can't believe I would be the only person to lose one.  Or two.

    I also tried ordering a magazine.  But after I hit order, again, nothing happened.  And yes, I did hit it again.

    Now, it might be because we have been losing internet quite often.  My dreaded call to Comcast took me to a chat bot which ran diagnostics and told me there was a problem that a technician would have to fix.  That person will be here Monday.

    The chat bot was actually nice.  I could understand it.  It did not ask me a lot of questions I don't know the answer to.  

    And I bet I have a bad modem.  I just hope. they have one with them.

    Camryn came to visit today and we chatted about a lot of stuff.  Then Emily came over after work and all of us had pizza, which tasted quite good tonight.

    It's just the little things in life that drive me mad.

    Last night I did not sleep until about 3, so I am even more tired today than I was yesterday.

    And the stupid Cubs don't help.  

    And to think, 1 year ago on this day I was dancing away at the Cavern Club in Liverpool.


Peace and Love

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