Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 Well, another banner day

    I  actually almost got my list done.

    Mowed the field.  Mowed the yard. Took a nap.  That was not on my list, but I did it between the field and the yard.  ( To be clear...I napped in my chair in the house.)   I just wish I had put on sunblock.  My arms are a little red.

    I had to move all my garden hoses to mow.  And I actually put them back instead of letting them lay on the ground and not do anything.

    I began mulching.  Now, for some reason, I start in the middle of almost any plant project. 

    Weeding?  I start in the middle of the garden.  Or the native area.  Or the slope.  So it was not a surprise to me when I started laying mulch in the middle of the front bush line.  I don't know why I do that.

    I worked my way to the sidewalk.  It was going so easy.  I have a paving stone next to the sidewalk and it was not level with the sidewalk.  I moved that out, with Julia's help, and made it somewhat level.  

    By that time Julia had made supper, so I took a break.  Watched the Cubs for an inning or two, ate, then I went back out to finish mulching.

    I was doing fine until I reached the bridal wreath bush.  It was all over the place, way out of control, So I decided to trim it before I finished mulching.

    I got 2/3 done when I lost the blade from the trimmer!  It took me 15 minutes to find, then I could not reattach it to the handle.  

    I cleaned up the trimmings and called it a night.

    Speaking of night, I had another weird dream.

    My dreams seem to be triggered by things happening in life.  Emily went to a reunion, Julia is in the process  of starting a house, and I think those 2 combined  for a very weird dream.

    We were having a class reunion in our house, but it was not yet finished.  Railings on the stairs were 2 x 4s, bathrooms did not have toilets or sinks, painting needed to be done.

    But a lot of former students were there and I remembered their names.  I could see their little fifth grade faces and I called them all by their right name.

    The weird part was.....they were all adults but only 3 ft.. tall.  

    So I felt like I was in Munchkin land.

    It was a nice dream....and I had a good night's sleep.

    Now all I have to do is figure out how to put the trimmer back together.

    Time to get lost in the Google world.

Peace and Love

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