Monday, June 3, 2024


 I tried for years to grow strawberries

    I never succeeded.  I would get 1 or 2 berries, then nothing.  I would put in "everbearing " planets and they might as well have been called neverbearing.

    I finally ripped out the plants a few years ago.

    This year the girls bought me a strawberry plant.  It is in a container on the front porch.

    So far, I have had 3 berries off it!  Unfortunately, I have competition.

    Julia said dog Beth ate a strawberry!. When I was out with her today, she got up to grab another one!  Takes them right off the plant!!

    Guess I have to put the plant up higher.

    When we had Corki, she would go into the strawberry field and eat them.  Between her, the rabbits, birds and whatever, I never got any.

    I am wondering if Beth had anything to do with the missing tomato and pepper plants.  

    I had 2 of each in the raised garden, but yesterday I had none.  3 of the plants were completely gone an the 4th was chewed on pretty heavily.

    I am guessing a rabbit.  I don't think a deer, but it could have been.

    Of course, it's harder now to buy tomato and pepper plants, but I managed to get some and re plant them tonight.  I have my fingers crossed.

    We had storms predicted for all day today.  But we got nada.  Not a drop of rain, and none in the forecast until tomorrow afternoon.

    I even went out early today to mow the field before the 3 days of rain started.  Well, early as in 11:30.  I was up at 9 but I wait until Jackie is ready for the day before I go out side.

    At least the Cubs did not lose today.

    Hopefully they will start winning soon.

Peace and Love 

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