Wednesday, June 5, 2024

never forget

Tomorrow is an important date in history 

    June 6, 1944. D Day.

    The invasion of Europe begins on the beaches of Normandy in France.

    Thousands of young men and boys from the US and Allied forces landed on beaches all along the French coast, facing the machine guns and other weapons of German defenders.

    Jackie and I have visited Omaha Beach twice.  The first visit was another story, and the weather was terrible.  It was so foggy you could not see the beach from the cemetery.

    The second visit was much better.  I went down to beach where so many lives were shattered that day.

    Omaha is a big beach.  And it was a long way from the water to the bluffs.  I could not imagine the horror those young men faced as the landing ships opened  their front doors and the troops jumped into water, sometimes over their heads, with 60 or 80 pound packs on their backs.  German guns firing non stop at them from positions above the bluffs.  Land mines.  Artillery shells.  It must have been hell for them.

    But they advanced and eventually the Nazi forces were defeated.

    Standing among all those white crosses in the cemetery certainly gave me a sad feeling.  Yet I was grateful that so many sacrificed their lives to save the world from Hitler and his demented ideas.

    This is the 80 anniversary. Several vets from the US will be attending.  All are in their 90s.  

    They truly are the Greatest Generation.

Peace and Love

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