Saturday, June 1, 2024

Happy June

 Lots of thoughts on this dreary June day

    Yesterday was a mix of emotions.  It was also  a day I may have overdone caffeine. 

    I had a tea for breakfast, Dr. Pepper at lunch, and 2 Pepsis at supper.  I thought I would have trouble sleeping, but actually fell asleep quite easily.

    I was tired today, so at 1 I decided to take a short nap.  I woke up 3 hours later!

    Luckily it rained most of the day and I could not have done anything outside anyway.  And the crew spent the day at Johanna's, cleaning, selling things, and tossing stuff out.  But there is still a lot of electronics to deal with.  Not sure how they are going to handle it.

    Marie and Heather, Johanna's mother and her wife, came to dinner.  We had a nice visit, but next time we see them I hope it is under much happier circumstances.

    Anyway, I am really tired tonight too.  Hopefully my afternoon nap will not affect my falling asleep.

    That's it.

Peace and Love

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