Thursday, June 6, 2024

ain't that special

 Just a lot of random thoughts tonight

    I know, what's different from any other night?

    The Marlins baseball team designated for assignment a player that has $24 million due him this year.  That' contract was a big mistake.  I wish someone would pay me that much to not play baseball.

    In my FB memories tonight, a lot of D Day posts showed up, but one from a long time ago dealt with the weather.    We lived on Skare Court and on this date it was 97 degrees, with a hight of 100 expected for tomorrow.

    That was in 2011, if I read that correctly.

    When I planted my native garden, I imagined nature would take care of itself.

    Wrong, he who knows least!

    Thistle and grass have almost taken over my newest plot.  I have been out there a lot pulling grass and thistle.  I should not say pulling, because I try to dig it out. It is not easy.  If we had a decent rain it would help, but we don't seem to be getting those.

    My older plot has a lot of cup plant.  Now, I like cup plant....but there are way too many.  I dug out about 10 today and I am sure I missed some.  I am trying to keep it in one corner,  but dang, t hey spread.

    My bike is still hanging.  Is it fear or laziness?  I wish I knew.

    Cubs not looking good again tonight.  Result is another loss.  Can't seem to beat Cincinnati.  That's a hard one for me to spell.  I had to look it up.

    Boy was the wind bowing today!  Knocked over 2 of my patio chairs.  I ended up taking the umbrella down because I thought it was going to go and take the table with it.  And the dust was blowing like crazy!  Hopefully all the good topsoil landed where it will be useful

    That's random me for tonight.

Peace and Love

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