Friday, June 7, 2024


We had pedicures today and I feel great 

    Granted, the technician had to use a chainsaw on my big toe, but once that was trimmed, al the others were fairly easy.

    Honestly, why do we wait until we are past needing a. trim to schedule a trim?

    Then the plan was to come home and move mulch.

    Well.......the best laid plans often go astray.

    I stopped at the grocery store in DeKalb and then we hit Ollie's for some frozen custard.  I had a new flavor, dark chocolate, which had bits of chocolate cake in it.  It was pretty darn tasty!  Jackie had regular chocolate.  Despite it being warm, neither of us dripped much on our tops.

    But that all took a little time.

    Emily needed a little help moving a couple f items out of Johanna's house.  So Julia, Sheri and I went.  We were there almost 2 hours, making trips up and down the basement stairs with items to sell. 

    I think.

    Camryn and her mom, Shannon, are holding a sale tomorrow in Rockford.   An address would help, but all I remember is Myrtle Lane.  It's in Wildwood Subdivision, right off of Perryville an Harrison.

    We helped a little in bringing items out of the house, but to be honest, after several. trips up and down the stairs this old boy was a bit tuckered.  And I did spell that with a t, I checked.

  We came home unloaded the cars, ate pizza and drank some delicious rosé named Whispering Angel.  It was al very nice.

    But the mulch didn't get moved.  The garage is a mess, even worse than normal.  I have not read the  entire Trib or done Wordle for the day and I am pretty dang tired.

    If you like tools, then head up to Rockford and go to Johanna's garage sale.  Check Johanna's Estate Sale on FB for pictures and other information.

    Have a great night....I think I will sleep well.

Peace and Love

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