Thursday, June 20, 2024


 We finally got some rain today

    I don't know how much because I have not checked my rain gauge.  But I can tell you it was not enough!

    One benefit was the rainbow.

    If you take the 2 bottom pictures and put them together, it shows the entire rainbow, sort of.  I think a part from the middle is missing.

    It was gorgeous...probably the best one I have ever seen because you could see both ends.  Amazing.

    I had trouble posting on Facebook last night and this morning.  I asked Julia to watch what I was doing to see where it was going south.  Of course, with her standing her I could post yesterday's effort with no trouble.  Hope there is none tonight.

    I have trouble concentrating, and remembering.  Well, I have been working on a book for a few hundred years.  Usually I do it during Jackie's library board meetings.  I hand write, then type it at home.

    Today I was looking for it to. take to the meeting and I picked it up, but noticed another notebook with paper in it.  That was another copy of the book.  Then I spotted a third binder that had.....another copy of the book.

    None of them are complete.

    I am going through each page, checking what I wrote against what is printed.  I realize this will take me more than a couple of more library board meetings, so I think I will work on it during the day.  Or night.  Whenever.

    I do feel it is almost finished.  Then. what???

    Time will tell.

Peace and Love

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