Monday, June 17, 2024

Hot as

 It was hotter than Hell here today

    I am talking about Hell, MI, where the temperature hit 91 while we topped out a little above that.

    I flunked my weatherman audition today.  I told Jackie the weather alert would go off sometime around the 2:30 to 3:30 time, but it never sounded.

    I thought with the hot, humid air we would get some storms.  But nothing.  No rain, again.

    A while back I mentioned mailing my sister in law a birthday card.  The card came back as undeliverable.  But the weird thing was it too almost 8 weeks for it to get back to us.

    Well, I mailed a check April 11 and it came back June 14, marked undeliverable as addressed.

    I don't think my handwriting is that bad  What is maddening is this letter was to someone in Rochelle!  It had a PO Box.  The people at the post office could have seen that and just put it in the box.  But nooooooo.   9 weeks later it gets back to me.

    I was talking with a person who works at  a local bank and she said the bank was having a heck of a problem with mortgage payments arriving  late, even though they were mailed weeks in advance.

    So....if you make payments with checks by mail, better give plenty of time for the check to make it on time.

    As long as I am complaining, why do people take babies to baseball games?  The baby has no idea what is happening.  It could even be dangerous if a foul ball came that way.  It certainly has to be uncomfortable holding a 10 pound bag of flour for 2 or 3 hours.

    And why are so many people on their phones while at the game?  Watch the game!

    Oh all know I am perfect, right?

    Guess I will start getting ready for bed.

Peace and Love

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