Tuesday, June 25, 2024

oh my

I am confused about the postal service

    I know......if you are sending a letter from New York to LA it is a lot better mailing it than carrying it your self.  I get it.

    In the past I mentioned Julia getting a post card in May or April on which the people had written "Happy Halloween."  Yes, it took that long to get from South Africa to here.  Maybe that is normal.

    I sent my sister in law a birthday card April 5.  It came back to our house sometime in June, with no cancelled stamp.

    I mailed my Rotary dues the same day, and I got them back last week as undeliverable.  Yes, I did have the wrong PO Box number, but 2 months?

    Well, I heard the topper today.

    A friend called and said she got an envelope from the postal service addressed to her.

    Inside the envelope was a bill she had sent a credit card company.  The return address on the bill was her previous address from 3 years ago.  And she has been doing paperless billing for a while.

    She opened the envelope and there was a check made out by her to the credit card company dated in April 2017!!

    Stamp was never cancelled.  

    It took 7 years for the check to come back to her!!

    7 years!!!

    I have an oak tree that is in distress.  I called the U of I plant clinic and they told me to follow the directions on their web page and mail them a sample of the tree.

    The directions said to overnight the package.

    I got the samples, packed it up, put a cooling bag in it, took it to the post office at 2:30  and sent it overnight mail.  Today is Tuesday.  The package will be delivered Thursday!  That's not overnight.

    If I had the time, I would have driven it down there.  As it was, I paid $36 to mail an overnight package that will not get there overnight!

    One would think an important service like the US Postal System would be operating with efficiency.  But it does not.

    Sure, the people covering the routes are doing fantastic jobs.  They are faced daily with angry dogs, irate customers, and in Chicago, armed robbers.  The carriers are not the problem.

    But somewhere up. the line some pretty poor decisions have been made.

    And that is my rant for tonight.

Peace, Love and change your payments to be done electronically.

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