Sunday, June 2, 2024


This was a strange day 

    I keep saying it:  I have no desire to do things.

    No, I did not take a nap.  I just basically fritted the day away.

    At my age that is not something one should do.  I should take advantage of the day, carpe diem!!  But I don't.

    I eventually mowed the yard, thinking the next 3 days may bring rain.  I may mow the lot tomorrow morning if it is not raining.

    I did get a little frustrated.  I turn on my phone and listen to music through the Blu Tooth ear protectors, but for some reason they would not play.  Kept saying Blue Tooth was not connected.  Tried and tried and tried before I gave up.  (Notice, I do not know how to spell Blue Tooth, so I spelled it both ways, hoping people will think it is a typo.)

    I also gave Beth her flea and tick treatment.  

    Julia and I took her crate to the basement, which seemed to confuse the dog.  When we got it down there she went in it and looked at us.

     I don't think I will trip on her at night.  That was the main reason we crated her.  When she leaves the crate, she goes by the front door to sleep.  At some point she scratches on Julia's door and jumps up on her bed when Julia opens the door.

    We'll see how this works.

    I also finally put out the patio umbrella.  It is a 2 person job because I can never find the stand when I am holding the umbrella.  Julia guided it in today.  I did forget the golden ring, which means I will have to take the umbrella out of the base and put the ring in the table.  Oops.l

    I also watched part of the Cubs game.  Just too darn frustrating at this point.  They have good players, but they are not producing.  l hope they get it together before the all star break.

    Julia and Emily spent a little time at Johanna's house.   There is still a lot of stuff that needs to  be dealt with.  If you are interested in woodworking tools, let me know and I'll put you in touch with Emily.

    Johanna was good at making things.  We have a lovely table in the great room that she made for Jackie to display her Dickens Village on at Christmas.  That will be a memory we will always cherish.

Peace and Love

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