Monday, June 24, 2024


 I am one tired puppy tonight

    Sometimes I get the bug a boo to work around the house.

    This was one of those days.

    I mowed our yard and the field, planted 2 new flowers, weeded the garden, replanted part of the garden, and cleaned the mower.

    It was hot.  I drank plenty of water and took several breaks. 

    I wrapped up everything at about 9, then showered and got Jackie ready for bed.

    I thought we were going to get some storms overnight and tomorrow, but that seems to have changed.

    I did have 2 inches in the rain gauge the other morning....that was quite a rain.

    When I see pictures of flooded streets, I always wonder why people are out driving?  And don't people realize that viaducts fill up with water?  Why do people try to drive through flooded viaducts and underpasses?

    Beats me.

    My garden also beats me.

    It looks t terrible.  Rather it looked terrible.  All the weeds, it was a mess.

    None of the corn I planted sprouted.  The cucumber hill produced 1 plant.  Peas were planted too late.  At least the beans and carrots are doing well.  Or sort of well.

    I planted more beans, more carrots, and. more cucumbers, since I had the seeds and the space.  

    If I was a farmer, I would be in big trouble because the corn did not grow.  My lively hood would be threatened. 

    Thank heavens the real farmers know what they are doing.  Their corn looks pretty darn good.

    And that's all I have to say about that.

Peace and Love

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