Saturday, June 15, 2024

Sat day

Another day in my laid back life

    I did 2 loads of laundry.  That was it. Towels and sheets.

    Actually, I only washed and dried them.  I still have to fold them.

    I did take a trip out to see Julia's lot.  She wanted to be sure the house was in the right place and  the right distance from the road.  The big back hoe is there, so digging should start fairly soon.  I told her to be sure about the placement and to discuss any concerns with the builder.  But she seemed to be ok with where the house is.

    Julia asked me if I heard any of the commotion last night.  

    Seems a guy driving an ATV with 2 passengers flipped the vehicle on Skare Road by the park.  There were ambulances, a rescue squad, and a couple of police cars.

    I did not see or hear a thing.  Neither did Beth or Jackie.

    Seems at 1:30 I was asleep, although I thought I had gotten up to pee and walked around the house.  Guess not.

    If I did, I must have just missed the accident.  The incident just serves as another reason to not drink and drive.

    And I finally got to see a Cubs win!!!  I forgot to put my flag out because it has been so long since I have proudly flown it.

    For I time I thought I might have to fly it upside down.

    And I did not take a nap.......although I had planned on it.  Even with a loose schedule things happen.

Happy Fathers' Day to all you dads!

Peace and Love

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