Monday, June 10, 2024

dang it

 I need to stop making plans

    I had a few things to do today:  Get gas for the mower and car, weed the veggie garden, spend some time moving mulch.

    I did laundry this morning, and dishes, and at 1 I told Jackie I was going out at 2 to weed the veggie garden.

    I decided to take a short nap.....45 minutes.  I was going out to weed the veggie garden at 2.

    Sat in my recliner, put my feet up, set the timer on the phone for 45 and took a great nap.

    Unfortunately, when the timer went ding dong, I turned it off for another 15 or 20 minutes.

    No problem.  I can still get outside at 2:30.

    I also changed my plan.  I went to get gas first, figuring I could grab a brew at Cypress House.

    I have a HyVee Perks card. I can use that at Casey's gas station.  I have a little over $1 off a gallon that I can use.

    But I could not find the card.  I looked through my wallet, in the car, in Jackie's wallet, in the basket where we keep keys....could not find the damn card.

    No problem.  I will just get another card and use the credits next time.

    But first, I will check at the Casey's where I used it last.

    As I packed my pockets, I could not find my phone.  Looked everywhere, could not find it.  Finally Jackie called it and it was in the blanket I used in the recliner.

    My Perks card was not at Casey's.

    I figured as long as I  was at Casey's I would get gas.  After all, the Casey's in Creston was $3.05 a gallon yesterday, so I figured the price had not changed.

    But it $3.39 a gallon.  Now I wonder if I should have gone to the station on the edge of town, which is usually fairly cheap.  But too late.

    I had a stop at Ace, then I was going to get a coffee.  But I had to hurry because now it was almost 3:45.

    While checking out, Jackie called and asked me to come home, so I skipped the coffee.  I figured I might have spent $7 more for gas, so it balanced out.

    I helped Jackie and by now it was 4:30.  I sat down by the computer for a minute and Julia looked at me and said, "Thought you were going to weed at 2?"

    I was.

    But I didn't.

    Which explains why I ate supper a little after 7.  I weeded the veggies, replanted the corn, filled in the beans and peas, and replanted the cucumbers.  

    But tomorrow, I will be out at 2 to mow and mulch.

    Hopefully.  At least that's the plan.

Peace and Love

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