Friday, June 14, 2024

day 2

 I made it through the day

    After my tooth extraction, I opted to take it easy for a couple of days.

    No heavy lifting.  No crunchy foods.  No straws.  

    Jackie was a real trooper.    Emily and Julia helped get her to bed last night and for 2 days in a row strangers came in to help her get in and out of the shower.  That is a pretty gutsy thing for her to do.  I thank her for that.

    I went to an estate sale with Julia this afternoon and was astounded at the goods for sale.  If you want to get a sample, go to Jolly Estate Sales Facebook page and check the Rochelle sale.  It was pretty impressive.

    I bought a wine rack.  Julia bought some small glass items including a uranium platter,  Emily bought some glass items.   My niece's daughter saw a picture of  hurricane lamps so we bought 2 for her.  It was quite a collection.  There is one more day of the sale and I am tempted to go back, but I don't know why.

    The downside to the day was I had spare time so I made the mistake of watching the Cubs for a couple of innings.  Of course those were the innings the dreaded Cardinals scored all their runs.  I tell you, this team is cursed!  Not hitting, not playing outstanding defense, pitchers going on the IL.....I had high hopes but everyday I am a little more pessimistic.

    I did read on the porch and did not fall asleep.  (But I played solitaire on the computer an d fell asleep in the middle of a game.  In my computer chair.)  I am reading Tune In, about the Beatles and have learned many things.

    Seems the boys were involved in gangs called Teds, skipped school a lot, were petty thieves, and generally were not a good bunch of boys.  If they had not eventually found each other I really think they would have all ended up in prison or reform school.

    But in the end, they came out all right.

    It is a little dry outside.  My grass is crunching.  I hope for rain, but don't see any in the near forecast.  Brother in law Bob got something like 13 or 14 inches in Florida over the past few days.  Wish some of that would come north.

    Until then, I will have to water plants and veggies.

Peace and Love

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