Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Rasslin match

 Thankfully, I won a wrestling match last night

    It really started in Rockford.

    When Jackie goes to bed, we use a walker to move her from the bathroom to the bed.  Once at the bed, I get her up and she falls face down onto the bed.  Well, actually she starts to fall, but I twist her body so she can land on her side.

    Yes, you are right.  It is unsafe.  And impractical.  But it works. sorta.

    The bed is about 6 inches higher than the seat on the walker.  I can't lift her the 6 inches, hence the stand up and fall.

    I stopped at a mobility store in Rockford yesterday and found a walker that was the same height as the bed.

    That means I can move her to the bed, lift her and swing her to the bed, allowing her to sit.

    In theory, it works.

    Last night I got her on the chair, which she did not like because the seat is a little smaller than her normal seat.

    I got her to the bed, aligned her, then lifted her and the wrestling match started.

    She got an arm caught on the arm of the walker, I got a foot caught on the leg.  She could not get free.  I could not get free.

    We wrestled like that for at least 45 minutes.  Well, actually, is was just a few seconds, but it felt longer.

    I kept thinking about people I would call to come pick us up from the floor.

    She did not fall.  She landed on the bed and I was able to swing her legs up.

    So today,  I took the walker back.

    Holly, the sales lady, said if it did not work, bring it back.

    I could not find the receipt.  Or the credit card record of the sale.  I went to Rockford anyway and explained the situation to a new person.  She pulled the file and Holly and written a note that said basically that the customer was not sure it would work and  could bring it back Wednesday for a full refund.

    I did see a  new walker there that had a 24 inch high seat......but I was afraid to press my luck by buying another and having to return that one.  Maybe I should have.

    When I got home I spread 2 yards of mulch.  Sheri and Julia helped.  Unfortunately 2 yards was not enough and I will need to get more. 

    But what is mulched looks great.

Peace and Love

The girls gave me a strawberry plant and I ate my first strawberry!!

Alium starting to bloom

Looks great, eh?

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