Saturday, May 25, 2024


Some times it is not my fault 

    Jackie's sister did not get her birthday card.

    Her birthday was April 19.  I mailed the card April 12.  It did not arrive April 19...or 20...or 21 or ever.

    See if you can guess the questions based on my response.

    Yes, I am sure I mailed it.

    No it is not in the car.

    Yes I looked under the seats.

    I admit,  I do have a problem, sometimes, with minor tasks.  Yes, I have forgotten to mail a card or 2.  Yes, I can't back up a golf cart in the garage.  Yes I lose my glasses/keys/wallet/phone at least once a day.

    And yes, I have forgotten to take things with when I go places.  Julia had a document to take to the bank.  I was going to the bank.  I took the document, gave Jackie her sweatshirt, put in my hearing aids and drove to Emily's to let out the dogs.  It was there I discovered I did not have the document.

    No, it was not in the car.  Yes, I looked under the seats.

    I went back home and backtracked my steps but could not find it.

    Jackie finally said, "What's that on the chair"

    And there it was.  

    Since I am incapable of doing 2 things at  one time, I must have set it down to pick up the sweatshirt.

    But, I digress.

    Today was May 25.  I went to get the mail and behold!  The birthday card was returned to us!

    There is a little yellow sticker that says unable to deliver as addressed.  No forwarding address.

    I showed it to Jackie.  She looked at it and the address looks fine.

    The card's stamp isn't even cancelled.

    It took over 35 days to go from the post office in downtown Rochelle to our mailbox. I am just baffled.

    The good thing is, I am off the hook!  I did everything right!  This time, at least.


    Thanks to everyone who has reached out to Emily or me about Johanna.  Lots of stuff to do at this point.  Lots of questions on how to get things done.  

    But Emily, Camryn and Shannon, Camryn's mom, are all working on it.

    There's a long way to go.

Peace and Love

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