Thursday, May 16, 2024

bad dog

 I think the honeymoon is over

    Dog Beth is now going into my off limits flower bed in the front of the house.

    Corki never did that!  Beth started going in there today, I think.

    There may be a rabbit living in there, which is the draw.  I saw a baby bunny hop across the porch the other day and it was heading to the flower patch.

    And today she started digging a hole in the back yard!  She has been here a year and never dug anything.  But today, she started a hole.

    So much for the honeymoon period.

    I don't know if there is a ground squirrel in that area, but that is the only reason I can think of for her to dig.  I will investigate tomorrow.

    Did not get the bushes trimmed today...too many errands!  Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

Our Miss Kim do I trim it back?

My small hosta area in some dutchmen's  britches....if I remember correctly

Too bad the dianthus don't last longer than they do.  I try deadheading them, but very few rebloom.

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