Saturday, May 4, 2024

mow, mow, mow the lawn

 Holy cow, I mowed a lot today

    Well, almost.

    I got 3/4 done with the lot we bought and it started to rain.  Hard. I just made it to the garage when the sky unleashed a torrent of wet stuff.

    Let me tell you about mowing the lot.  It sucks.  It is bumpy, bumpy, and bumpy.  Three kinds of bumps:  one that makes you bounce up in the seat; one. that spills your drink, and one that bounces my ass out of the seat and over the front of. the mower.  Well, not quite.  But it is bumpy.

    My bigger problem is gas.  For the mower. not for me.

    I put in 2 gallons when I started mowing my yard and I ran out before I finished! Now I wonder if something is wrong with the mower, because that seemed like a lot of gas!  Before I finish the lot I plan to get more gas, just in case.

    So....that was my day.

    Mow.  Mow.

    I listened to the Cubs on the radio.  That was a great win, as opposed to yesterday's loss.  The baseball lords giveth and taketh.

    I also let out Emily's dogs.  Her foster dog was afraid of me until he got a treat, then we were buddies.

    I had to go back as the storm rolled in to put the shield on the dog door.  I guess I better learn his name.

    It's funny how empty the house feels with Julia gone.  Poor Beth does not know what to do.  She lays on the floor by the basement door, thinking Julia is downstairs.  Tonight she is on Julia's bed.  

    Me thinks the transition from Julia here to Julia in a house will be quite a challenge for all of us.

    And that's the trivia for today.

Peace and Love

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