Friday, May 17, 2024


This was one of.those days 

    I had my mind set on getting 4 things done:  mow the field, plant the bluish pots on the porch; put up the windmill; plant my mojito mint.

    I told Jackie I was going to start at 1 and work until I was finished.

    I did not anticipate Beth waking me up at 4:45 to go out.  It was early, but also eerie!  The fog crept on big cat feet during the night and visibility was pretty poor.

    I fell back asleep until 7:30, when Jackie woke me up because she had to use the bathroom.

    That's when my day fell apart.

    My routine is:  put on my slippers, put on my belt, get the transport chair, swing her from the bed to the chair.

    Well.....3 out of 4 ain't bad!

    We missed the chair and she went down onto the floor.

    It was a gentle fall and my fault because I did not lock the chair.  I was tired and not thinking clearly.

    Julia was working and I got her to help.  We lifted Jackie up, I held her, and Julia pushed the chair under  her.

    To be honest, I was upset with myself and very tired.

    I was too keyed up to go back to bed, so we got ready for the day.

    My routine is tea, breakfast, and read the paper.

    When I got done with the paper my eyes were pretty heavy, so I fell asleep in my chair until about 12.

    I had some errands to run:  bank, Aldi's, Walgreen's, other bank to get our license sticker renewed, and of course, Cypress House for a pick me up.

    I did not start mowing until sometime after 3.  Then I clogged the mower and had to clean it off.  Then I clogged the mower AGAIN and had to clean it off.

    Mulching mowers do not handle long grass very well.  So I mowed at the field t a high height.  It does not look good, but it is mowed.  

    After mowing I started to plant the pots but I just felt sick.  I think it was a combination of the heat, the bumpy field, and not having any liquids. 

    So I quit for the day.  Which was fine because it was 6.

    I swear, the older I get (which is daily) the longer it takes me to do things!

    15 years ago I would have k nocked all those chores off in an afternoon.  Now I have put them off until Saturday.

    But at least I won't have to spend time mowing.  That is a blessing.

    Hopefully tomorrow I will get the pots planted, the last 4 bushes trimmed, the windmill up, and the plants I bought for the slope and natural area planted.  But....and there is always a big butt.....tomorrow is the plant sale at. the nursery in Creston and I have a few plants on my list.  

    Hopefully I will get my plant shopping and work done.

    Maybe I'll even have some wine tomorrow night to celebrate.

Peace and Love

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