Wednesday, May 15, 2024


 I am really tired tonight

    I actually worked today!

    I trimmed around the yard before I mowed. 

    Mowing was a problem.

    I went about 10 feet and the mower started to die.  When I stopped, huge bunches of grass came off the mower.

    So I took it into the driveway, got on my back and found the underside was packed with wet grass.  I mowed the field the other day and it was wet.  I didn't clean off the mower, which is normal for me.  Not cleaning the mower that is.

    As I am laying on the driveway, scraping away, neighbor Jim came along and offered to put the front end of the mower  on a hoist and lift it up, making it easier and more efficient to scrape.

    So we did.

    The funny thing is, I am standing there, with a scraper in my pocket, watching him scrape!  It suddenly dawned on me I should be scraping too.

    We finished and had a nice chat and I went back to mow.  At that point Jackie needed me, so I went into the house to help her.  I made her lunch and the phone rang.  It was a Prudential insurance agent for the Pru Review we had set for 3, I thought. 

    He chad to  back because I was in the middle of something.

    Every time I think of life insurance I think of George Bailey as he says, "I'm worth more dead than alive!"

    Our policies have a double or triple payment if we die in an accident.  So if I have a heart attack the kids have to load me in a car and park me on the railroad tracks'

    Anyway, I finally got mowing.  

    Next it was trimming the bushes in front.  Man, that almost killed me!  My back was throbbing after 2 bushes and there are 15 in total.

    After finishing bush 11, I quit because I was in pain.  By the time I cleaned up, hosed the mower down, filled the bird feeders and put my stuff away it was 8:30.  My back hurts and my shoulder hurts.  Did I mention I was tired?

    I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but I am really tired tonight.  Just thought I would emphasize that.

Peace and Love

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