Thursday, May 9, 2024

Wednesday the 13th?

 I am not superstitious, usually

    But today was one freakin strange day!

    First, it was closing day for the lot we bought.  

    We made arrangements for me to go with Jackie staying home.  Turns out the sellers had a mobility issue too, but that's to come.

    I got the check at the bank, had the papers with our signatures notarized, and went to the closing.

    I was ushered into a room.  That's when it got very strange.

    Usually at a closing we meet with the title person, sometimes the seller, their attorney, our's a room full.

    The nice lady from the title company came in and we chatted, she scooped up the paper work, and left.

    The attorney said the sellers were staying in the car.

     Thus began a seemingly endless parade of people going out to the car, back in, out, back in....the attorney joked that he should have roller skates, like at a drive in.

    All the while I sat in the room by myself.  I used the time to look at the historical maps of Illinois, including one that did not even show counties in the northern part of the state.

    I think it was an 1828 map on which the attorney  pointed out language saying only white males owning property could vote.  That was a sad look at our history.  I know, some people would rather facts like that not be made public or talked about in schools, but it is our history.

    Then I went to Cypress House for a coffee to celebrate.

    When I got home I looked at my list of about 20 things to do and started on them.

    One of the items was wrap the steaks I bought yesterday and put them in freezer bags.

    When I opened the fridge I discovered they leaked blood.  It leaked off the shelf, down the back, into the bottom was a mess.

    Here is where plans often go astray.

    When we built he house, we put in a French door refrigerator.  Somewhere along the line, the opening for the fridge fit the fridge exactly.  which is not good, because we can not open the right door all the way.

    Which means I can't simply slide out the bottom tray to clean it.

    I had to empty the bottom trays, take off the door trays, then shift the bottom shelf on a 45 degree angle and "walk" it out.

    I worked on cleaning that s.o.b. for over an hour.  I cussed, struggled, cussed again and finally, finally, got the shelf out, cleaned and back in. 

    Then I had to put everything else back in because I basically emptied the fridge.

    By 3:30 I had done 1 job on my list.  That was wrapping the steaks.

    Next task to tackle was replacing 3 burned out light bulbs.  Easy peasy except when you can't get the cover off because you finders don't work like the used to.

    After the second one, I noticed the fan vent was dusty, so I vacuumed that...which was not on my list either.  Then I did the return vent in our bedroom. .... also not on the list.

    Hopefully I can get more done off the list......I made it for today, tomorrow, and Saturday,  at which time the rain will finally stop.  I hope.

    As long as nothing bleeds, I will be ok.

Peace and Love

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