Monday, May 13, 2024


 My best laid plays often go astray

    I had a blood draw scheduled for today in DeKalb.  I keep saying DeKalb, but it is actually Sycamore.  Potato, pohtato..except that doesn't work in print.

    Anyway, I had 3 stops to make.  Paint store, big box hardware store, Target,  Bath and Body Works. and HyVee.  Um...that's 5.  Math was never my best subject.

    I went to Target because they have a $10 gift card of if buy 3 cleaning products.  We are almost out of detergent, so I figured get 3 and save $10.  But they did not have the scent Jackie prefers, so I came out empty handed.

    Bath and Body works was fine, except I could not find one of the scents she wanted in soap.  I did not come out empty handed.  (Digression:  The store is in a strip mall that is almost deserted.  There is a store at one end, then empty, empty, empty, empty, store, empty.)

    Paint store was fine.  The people remember my name, and I have not decided if that is good or not.

    The Loew's stop was non productive.  I need sone trim paint for a little touching up from where I took out the garage door.  We found the color, but he asked if I wanted flat, satin or sheen finish.  I had no idea.   So I did not buy any paint.  I think it is satin, but it may be a flat.  Will it matter?

    I only bought cereal, yogurt and some crackers at the grocery store.

    I started all this at about 2, after Miriam had done an excellent job of pulling out 98 vials of my life juices.   Well,  maybe not 98.  

    I did not get home until 4:40 or so.

    Now, I did not dawdle too much, although it took e a while to find a rose bush for a container while I was at Lowe's.  It just took so much time!  

    I did make an unscheduled stop.  There is a dog food store near HyVee and I went down to get some special treats since today is Beth's birthday.

    When I got home I was going tp plant and trim, but it poured.  And poured.  And poured.

    So I did nothing.  Third day in a row.

    Maybe tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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