Sunday, May 12, 2024

something smells

And I really love the smell! 

    We have a Miss Kim lilac bush planted just off the patio.

    Now, Miss Kims are supposed to be small.  But this one is gigantic!  And it is loaded with blooms.

    We have a couple of windows open and the breeze has been blowing the smell into the house all day.  I just love it.

    One of the best trips Jackie and I used to take was to Mackinaw Island right after school was out.  It was lilac time there and the island is full of beautiful bushes, which give off a heavenly scent.  I loved sitting on the porch of the Metevier Inn and watching life slowly pass by, with the smells of lilacs and a horse barn mixing in the air.  Cindy's stables, if I remember correctly.  It has been 15 years or so since we went.

    The problem I have is our bush needs to be trimmed back to a more manageable size.  If you cut a lilac bush, it will not produce flowers on that branch the following season.  I hope to prune back about 1/3 of the plant so next year we will still have some scents.  And flowers.

    I just hope I don't kill it.

    A happy mothers' day....or Mother's Day.

    Emily, Julia, Jackie and I had some grilled steaks and sweet corn for supper.  It was pretty good, and surprisingly the corn was good.  I did not expect that.  The girls brought hanging baskets for the porch and they are beautiful.

    Thank you for all the birthday wishes. 

    I even got to see the Northern Lights last night!  I took Beth out about 10:30 and the sky was a greenish blue.  I know there were better displays earlier in the night, but I missed them.  

    I did not do anything again today.  I even took a nap!  

    It just felt good.

Peace and Love

I admit...these are not very good.  But it is proof I saw them.  

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