Thursday, May 2, 2024


Somedays things get done if you get up early 

    Windows and screens washed.  House cleaned.  Bathroom wall sanded and primed.

    I had a busy day.

    I did not do any off that. but I did write out a check!

    We had people come in to wash windows and the screens.  I used to do it myself.  It would take me several days because I got tired and lost interest.  And I was younger than that now!

    Matt and his crew were done in less than 2 hours and the windows sparkled.  Of course, it rained about 6 tonight, so they don't sparkle as much.  But rain is good.

    This is our usual cleaning person again, I did nothing.

     I went to the chiropractor, visited a friend, ate some ice cream at The Royal Scoop by the museum, and watched the Cubs blow a game.

    I also got gas so I could move the mower into the garage.  Unfortunately, I left my van out in the driveway with the windows open  while I went with Emily to get some bushes and it poured.  Luckily, Julia got he van into the garage before it got too wet.

    I did do a few things, just not anything difficult.

    And we did get up at 7:30, something we have not done for a while.  

    Tonight I am really tired.  

    And I am looking forward to a good sleep.

Peace and Love

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