Wednesday, May 29, 2024


    Silly nme.  I thought, plant natives.  Don't worry  about them.  The garden will prosper.

    Wrong, wild onion breath!

    I do need to weed.  And dig.  And do it often.

    I have been pulling thistles and grass recently.

    Today I Googled this little gem.

The leaves are huge!  at least 18 inches or more!

As you can see, the leaves are huge!  The plant is huge!!

        I seem to think I dug it up last year, but now I am not sure.

        Anyway, it looks a little like rhubarb but it isn't.  It is a non native invasive plant named Burdock.

        It can be used in a couple of ways, like in a tea or as a medicinal plant....but I am not going to do that.

        I will dig it out tomorrow and hope it does not come back.

    While I was working on the natives, I took a few minutes to lay on my back and look at the clouds.

    Big mistake.

    When I got up, I felt sick to my stomach and had a massive headache.

    This has happened to me a couple of times before, and I don't understand why.  I lay in bed on my back, and don't feel that  way when I get up.

    Maybe I need a pillow outside..  Or, maybe I shouldn't lay on my back.

    Today I took a big gamble and put away our winter hats, gloves, and scarves.  I don't think we will be needing them anymore.

    I actually thought of just leaving them, since we are only 4 months until fall, but I figured the summer hat collection is more useful.

    Tomorrow I go to the doc who is going to yank my tooth.  It is a consult visit, but I am still nervous.  I also have to go pick up my hearing aid, which wasn't broken after all.  I have the feeling I am going to learn lots of new things.

    Peace and Love


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