Saturday, May 11, 2024

another year older

Just me and a Terra Ma Sue

 I don't buy this 70s is the new 60s

    Now that I am officially closer to 80 than 70, I have some observations.

    The older you get, the harder it is to get up off the ground after you drop a bunch of change when taking off your pants.

    The older you get, the harder it is taking off your pants.

    The older you get, the less people appreciate you walking around without pants.

    Explain that to me, please.  Mickey Mouse is about 100 and he does not wear pants.  Neither does Donald Duck nor Clark, the Cubs mascot.  If they can get away with it, why can't I?

    The only room I seem to remember why I am entering is the bathroom.  And yesterday I may have peed in the garbage can, I am not sure.

    Strangely, I seem to remember names better these days.  I saw someone and called him Mike, another person I said Hello Mary......I don't know if those are their names, in fact I don't even know if I knew them, but I am remembering names.

    I took the day off today.  No chores at all, except doing our sheets and towels.  Yes, they still have to be folded, but they are done.

    I looked for Northern Lights last night but did not see them.  Everyone in Illinois seems to have seen them, but not me.  It was as if a cloud settled over my house and refused to move.  At one point, I was even rained on!  Maybe tonight.

    We went out to dinner tonight, Julia, Emily, Jackie and me.  Nice Italian place in Dixon. 

    One problem.  Julia made reservations and told them one person was in a wheelchair.  When we got there, they seated us in the middle of the dining area!   All was well until we left and they had to move 3 tables to make a path to the door.  I don't understand why they didn't seat us by the door, which would have made the most sense.  I felt bad for the people who had to stop eating and move.

    But the food was wonderful.  

    It was just great spending time with my family.  My girls mean the world to me and I never seem to have enough time with them.  Today was great.

    We drove out to see the bison at Nachusa and got home in time to watch the Cubs lose.  

    We do have birthday cookies, so if you want to stop out tomorrow afternoon, please do.

    But beware:  I might not have any pants on.

Peace and Love

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