Monday, May 6, 2024


  I am a huge baby

    I know people who recently had pacemakers installed.  Folks who have gone through months of cancer treatments.  Shoulder repairs.  Hip replacements.  Knee replacements.  

    They have all faced it bravely.

    But me?

    Holy crap!  No way!!

    I had a dental appointment today and was told....the tooth has to go.  I have to have a chomper taken out.  By an oral surgeon.  

    It distresses me greatly.

    I don't think I was this worried when my prostate was taken out!  

    Like I said, a huge baby.

    I have not set up the appointment yet.  I imagine there will be a consult first, then. the extraction.  I have questions galore.  Can I lift Jackie afterwards?  What happens to the hole in my mouth?  How long before I can drink wine?

    I guess I could drink pink wine.  It is summer.  If my mouth is bleeding, no one will be able to tell because the wine is pink.

    Oh...that is gross.  Sorry.

    Last night at a bout 2 a.m. I got leg cramps.  In both legs.  At the same time.  

    I could not get out of bed because my legs were stiff!  And I suddenly had to pee!!  Good grief, I was in pain.  And miserable.  

    Eventually the cramps lessened and I got up and opened the patio door for some air.  I don't know why I did that, but it felt good.

    I also drank a bottle of Gatorade and ate a banana.

    I was careful to drink more water today.  And Gatorade.

    I hope that was enough to keep me from cramping.

    Now, I have to get a bottle and change my nappy before bed.

Peace and Love

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