Wednesday, May 8, 2024

olio time

 Lots of things on my mind tonight

    Sometimes I look at things and wonder how.  Like, how does that work?  

    I also wonder who.  As in, who designed that?  Who had the idea for that?

    A couple of hundred years ago somebody decided they needed a better way to ground corn rather than pounding it with a rock.  Maybe they put the corn kernels between 2 rocks and smooshed the rocks back and forth.  Then they thought there had to be an easier way to do this and grist mills eventually came to be.

    But who figured out the wheels and cogs and gears and whatever else was needed?  Did the same person go into watch making?

    Everywhere I look I see human ingenuity, intelligence, and determination in the form of machines. 

    Anyway.  I always thought tornadoes didn't hit the same area twice.  But Barnsdal OK has been hit by 2 tornadoes in the past 5 weeks.  That's a lot for a town of 5,000 to deal with.

    Trip dementia Aukland.

    How would you respond to that?

    Emily was in DeKalb/Sycamore today and was stopping for her yearly dose of Ollie's.  I told her to try the mint chocolate chip but it came out Trip dementia Aukland.  Thank heavens I read it first.  Voice recognition isn't always accurate.

    Jackie had a doc appointment today, and we stopped at Ollie's for some custard.

    It was pretty busy.

    There was a group of 3 right ahead of me and I could tell. they had. never been to Ollie's before.

    When it was their turn to order, they had no idea.  They had at least 5 minutes to look at the listings, but had no clue.

    A person ahead of them ordered a whipped slushy or something, so the girl in the group said she would have one of those.  Then a guy asked for a vanilla with mango.  The employee said they did not have any mango this week.

    He paused, then asked. for a chocolate with mango.

    The employee said they did not have mango this week.

    He finally asked for a vanilla with strawberries over it.

    The third person, also a guy, looked the worker and said, "Vanilla and mango sounds good.  I'll have that."

    When he was told no mango  he became a little flustered because there were now several people in line.

    So he ordered two things.

    The funny thing was  all 3 of t hem tried to pay!  It was chorus of "I''m paying" and I am not really sure who did.

    I did have a problem.

    I attack ice cream and custard.  Jackie is a little more passive, preferring to lick the frozen delight in a more relaxed manner.

    Which explains why I was done with my cone when hers started dripping all over....shirt, seat, seatbelt, hands.  It was a mess.

    But that was still neater than mine.

    I broke the cone taking the paper wrapper off and ended up with the custard and broken cone in my hand! So in one hand I have part of the cone and in the other hand I have the bottom of the cone., both oozing custard through my fingers. 

    But you know what?  It still tasted great.

    Topping off the day, when I got home from my meeting I mowed the yard.  I just mowed Saturday, but it has really grown.

    Like my belly from frozen custard.

Peace and Love

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