Tuesday, May 28, 2024

007 & 1/2

I have been reading James Bond novels lately 

    And it is affecting my life.

    I had a mission this morning.

    Shortly after the sun had broken over the horizon, casting the Earth in golden hues, I set off on my mission.

    Birds were chirping.  The wind was gently pushing chilly, spring air into my face.

    I readied my vehicle and did a last minute check of all my equipment.

    Then I started out.

    First, I cased the neighborhood where the target was located.  No one seemed about.  I checked my rear view mirror often to see if I was being followed.  It seemed clear.

    I noiselessly cruised to the target.  No Beatles were playing.  I was in radio silence.

    I stopped.  I surveyed the scene.  No witnesses.

    I calmly and cooly opened the hatch on the vehicle and nonchalantly walked to the rear.

    Grabbing a last look around, I was stunned to see a car coming down the street.  I turned my head and positioned my body to hid the license plate.  Were they police?  Counter spies?  Russians?

    After they passed, I grabbed the bags of lawn waste and carefully stacked them in the driveway.

    One Two  Three Four....... mission completed.

    I looked around once more and saw I was undetected.

    I calmly and slowly returned home.

    After every mission an agent needs rest.  I looked at the clock.  It was barely 7.  I went back to bed and slept until 11.

    Yes!  11 a.m.!!!

    Usually I drop my yard waste off at night,,,.,but I always feel like a criminal.  I check the street, I look for traffic, I don't make noise. 

    That's what I did tonight.

    I had 8 bags of yard waste.  I don't have a yard waste pickup available.  So I take it to friends' houses in town.

    But I always feel like I am doing something wrong.  And maybe I am.  But they are paying for the service and don't always have waste, so I am making up for the times they don't have waste

    Now, I am going back to Diamonds are Forever.  Or to bed, not sure which yet.

Peace and Love

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