Tuesday, May 7, 2024


 Sometimes plans just evaporate

    I had planned, for the last week, to go to Rockford today and return some shoes I bought.  They are too big.

    My hair has been getting a little long, so I called for a time.  That time was 1:30.  

    When I get my hair cut I have to rinse it right away, just to get the little hairs out and off my back.

    While I was leaving the barber shop, the weather radios were buzzing!  Severe Thunderstorm Warning, Tornado Watch, Hell Breaking Loose, all of the standard end of the world alarms.

    But looking north, I decided to not go because the sky was pitch black.  I mean Pitch Black.

    So after rinsing my head, I sat down and did a couple of tasks.

    Like, making an appointment with the oral surgeon and filling out the on line registration form, which took a loooong time.

    Then I placed a store pick up order for Walgreen's, because Jackie takes a vitamin that costs $30 and the on line offer was a 2 for 1.  

    So no Rockford and I have the shoes for another week.

    I have been using Emily's noise machine at night.  How well does it work?

    At about 9:45  this morning I went into the garage to take out the recycling.  My  VW sized garbage can was sitting there.

    My first thought was I forgot to take it out last night.

    But it was empty.

    Turns out the wind and thunder was terrible this morning and Julia went out and dragged in the can so it would not blow down the street.

    I slept through it all.  Slept like a baby.

    Guess the noise machine works.

Peace and Love

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