Wednesday, May 22, 2024


 Timing seems off these days

    I planted our veggie garden today.  That is something I usually have done before Mother's Day.  I just kept putting it off until I discovered I bought peas, and they don't like hot weather.  They need to be planted early.  Uh oh.

    Tonight I had Beth out about 9 and she suddenly took off like a shot and came to a sudden stop.  She had seen something.  So I kept my eyes on the area around her and I finally saw.......lightning bugs!!

    I always associate those fascinating creatures with mid summer, and it is actually still spring.  

    And I saw more than one!  In my yard, and in the neighbors.....there were several twinkling lights.

    But no cicadas.  We don't have any big trees here, so none have appeared.  And I don't hear any in the park, where there are big trees.

    My next challenge is to figure out hoses.  I have timers to water the veggies, but I have to find the correct length hose to hook to the timers.  I think I rolled all my hoses onto one reel, so I may have to unwind them tomorrow.

    Honestly, I hate hoses.  They curl, crinkle, bind, leak, and in general are a pain in the ass.  But I do want to keep the veggies watered so when we have a total breakdown in society the Dickow household will have carrots.

    I had some numbers from the Tribune, but I can't seem to find what I wrote down.  I thought it was pretty darn interesting.  Maybe I can find them tomorrow.

Peace and Love

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