Sunday, May 5, 2024

feed me

That's a line from "Little Shop of Horrors" 

    Unfortunately, it also sums up my eating habits.

    I was talking to a couple the other day and they said they have been eating like birds.

    Well, I eat like a bird too.  Unfortunately, my bird is a vulture, which will eat anything not moving.

    No willpower at all.


    I did not finish mowing the lot yet.  We went to a memorial service this afternoon, and I fully intended to mow when we got home.

    But we sat and visited after the service ended.  We didn't get home until 6:30 and by then Julia had arrived with Chinese food, so I ate. And ate.  And ate.

    I didn't feel like mowing after that.  There is always tomorrow.

    The memorial service was for Carol Weidmann, whom I  have known since around 1979 or so.  

    I first met her when she joined the local high school staff as a theater teacher and I did a "meet the new teacher" article for the newspaper.  That article was on display at the memorial.

    Carol cast me in the first play I was ever in, which was 1982 or so.  

    Her sister spoke today an I learned more about Carol than I ever knew when she was alive.  

    She taught me a lot about theater, and acting, and how to have fun.  But she also taught me about the importance of knowing your character, and your lines.

    Funny, you never really miss someone until you know you can't see them again.

    That's it.

    Exit stage left.

Peace and Love

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