Monday, May 20, 2024

how much?

 I had a case of sticker shock today

    When I plant my veggie gardens, I always throw in some mushroom compost, manure, and manure and compost.

    It builds the soil. Makes it richer.  Produces better weeds.

    In town there are 3 places I go to in order to buy it.  I go with the cheapest price.

    I went to a hardware store and mushroom compost was $7.94 a bag.  Manure was $6.78.

    I have never paid that much!

    Especially for manure, which is basically cow shit.  How can cow shit be in short supply?  There are cows all over the place!

    (One year a circus came to town.  They had elephants.  They were giving the shit away! People were hauling it away in anything they could carry it in.  Must be good stuff.)

    So I went to the next place.  They didn't have either product.  Nor did the third store.

    Now, maybe I could drive to DeKalb. or Rockford and buy it, but I would use at least 2 gallons of gas, which is also expensive.

    Julia suggested using Beth's droppings, but I did that once around some trees with our first dog and those trees died.

    Plus I would not be comfortable working in the garden with dog doo everywhere.


    So, no mushroom compost or manure in the garden this year.  The plants will just have to work harder.

    My veggie garden will have sweet corn this year.  A person I know said I should put a radio in the garden and leave it on.  That will keep away deer and raccoons.  

    With my luck, that will draw them and they will have big dance parties as they munch my sweet corn.

    It has been a good week so far today.  Did not destroy the garage with the golf cart.  Did not lose my hearing aids.  And the Cubs did not lose today.

    Hope I can say all that tomorrow night.

Peace and Love

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