Sunday, May 19, 2024

Lordy, Lordy

 I really don't know where to start

    So, this may be a little disjointed.

    First off, we got up late.  I mean, late.  I shut the alarm off at 8:45 and when the cuckoo struck 10, I guess I fell back asleep.

    10:45.  That's when we got up.

    Holy crap.

    I planned to mow and plant flowers.  If you have not noticed a pattern, most of my plans involve planing flowers and trimming bushes.

    I mowed.  Took longer than I hoped because I had to clean the mower deck. before I started.

    Finished mowing, hosed off the mower deck, and was ready to start planting when the subject of supper came up.  It was about 4:30. 

    We decided bratwurst.  But we had to go buy them. And buns.

    No big deal.  I had some yard waste to drop off at a friend's, I just dropped it off earlier than I usually do.  And usually is after dark, like a stealth burglar except I am leaving things, not taking them.

    After supper, around 7 or so, I headed out to plant the damn flowers.  But I went to put my hearing aids in so I could listen to music while I worked.

    There was only 1 hearing aid in the dock.

    I looked on the counter, under the counter, in the den, bathroom, bedroom, table on the deck.....nowhere.

    Julia and I went through drawers, papers, bags.....nothing.

    To say I was upset would be an understatement.

    So far I have smashed the garage door, bought a lot, have ordered too many specialty coffees and have spent a fortune.  I did not need to spend another fortune to replace my hearing aids.

    I was depressed.  And angry at myself.

    I took out the garbage, put on a pair of vinyl gloves, and sorted through the kitchen debris. 

    No hearing aid.

    Future garbologists examining our trash would think we ate out a lot and liked pizza and pasta dishes.  We do.

    Julia finally said to give her my phone.  She pumped up the volume on the phone and hearing aids and slowly made her way around the house.


    Disgusted, I went out to clean up. the debris from the driveway and look for dog poop that might have a hearing aid in it.

    I was putting a shovel full of yard waste  into another paper bag when she opened the door and said to come in.

    She heard music!!  

    Standing in the pantry, she could hear the Beatles.

    She asked me, "Can you hear it?"

    I said if I could hear it I would not need hearing aids.

    She found it on a shelf.

    One of 2 things happened.

    Either it got stuck to a bag she put on the shelf or I had it in my hand when I went to get Beth a supper treat.  I had to have put it down to open the  treat bag.

    I do believe I put it there. I remember wanting to put the hearing aids in while I ate supper, and I must have set it on the shelf.  

    And forgotten it.

    And that, my friends, is the scary part.

    I hugged Julia and thanked her for finding it.  

    And I kicked myself for not keeping track of it.

    I still have the plants to plant.

Peace and Love

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