Friday, May 10, 2024

Jose, can you see

Nature is a fickle thing, eh? 

    Massive solar storms, storms sending enough energy to make me get up off the couch.  Heading our way.

    Unplug your computers, don't plug in your phones tonight, watch out for ETs approaching.

    The end is near!

    Noting is certain but uncertainty.

    Well, I am here to tell you BALONY!

    There is one guarantee in life; When an amazing astronomical event is going to take place at night, my house will be under cloud cover.

    It happens during lunar eclipses, super moons, meteor showers and it is happening again tonight.

    With a high chance of seeing the Northern Lights, there are clouds in the sky.  Damn!  I actually predicted that as soon as the announcement was made that the Borealis might be visible  all the way down to Alabama!  

    Oh well.  I have a great picture of them on the wall where I am sitting, so I guess that will have to do.

    I read an article somewhere about a town in New England that is being pulled apart because of a public mural.

    The reason why one of the town leaders was vocal in opposition to the mural was because it contained an iris.  Yes, an iris.

    She said an iris is a dangerous symbol because Iris was the Greek goddess of the rainbow and the rainbow is a symbol of the LGBT movement.  Evidently using the iris in the mural was an attempt to indoctrinate young people into the clutches  of the LGBT community.

    Folks, I am not making that up.

    It is so scary it is funny.

    Then I was told there was a mural in Oregon, a small town just west of us, and that had to be altered because it featured a cigar, which could be construed as to promote smoking.  So the cigar was eliminated.

    Somewhere  I think there  is a mural that depicts the lack of common sense.  A lot of people must have been influenced by that one.

    I'm tired.  And I don't think sleep will help.

    I did 3 things on my list, but added 4.  It seems to grow the more I do. 

    Maybe I should just do less?  It's a puzzle, isn't it?

Peace and Love

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