Saturday, May 18, 2024

eh day

 I think summer arrived today

    I  went out and the car temperature read 87 degrees.  I thought that was  hot for May, but what do I know?

    Anyway, I got some things done today, even some that were on my list.

    One thing I did that was not on my list was bring up my summer clothes and pack up my winter clothes.

    Now, these are not the ones that hang in the closet, but the flannel pajamas, sweatshirts, and things like that that I won't need for a few months.

    Here is where I have another problem.  I probably have 50 t shirts!  Every time I go to toss one, I rethink it and put it away.

    Some hang in the closet.  Others take up 2 drawers in the dresser.  Still others are stuffed on a shelf in the closet because they are wear outside to work shirts.

    I have t shirts from plays I have been in, places I have visited, places the kids have visited, and just some weird shirts.  I have a glow in the dark shirt from a radio show we sent to at least 20 years ago.  I never wear it.  but it is neat because it glows!

    And when I retired from teaching I had a picture of the class printed on a t shirt and had the kids sign it.  I have never worn the shirt.  Ever.  I have been out 16 years!!

    Every shirt has some kind of emotional attachment.  A memory.  A place in my life.

    But holy crap!  I need to cull the t-shirt herd.

    What I should do is take one a day and either wear it or toss it.

    But I have a Beatles shirt I wear when it rains, and a Cubs shirt or 3 when they play, and plain shirts when I am bored.   I can't toss any of them.

    And plays?  Places I have gone?  Shirts from the girls?

    Nope.  Can't let them go.

    However, I did toss 1 red t shirt.  I think it looked old and too worn. 

    Small steps.  Small steps.

Peace and Love

What is this on the driveway? aunts came over to visit!

It was a dark and storm afternoon

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