Tuesday, May 21, 2024

tis the truth!

I know why the Cubs have had so many injuries 

    This is a baseball post.  If you don't like baseball, you may not like this.

    I have a friend, who shall remain nameless, who told me what happened in Milwaukee when Craig Counsell was hired as Cubs manager.

    As you know, Counsell was a life time Wisconsin resident and a crowd favorite...until he signed a huge contract with the Cubs.

    The night after the contract was signed, 56, 665 fans met at the ballpark.  They had a voodoo priest in attendance. 

    That person produced a bear doll and told the crowd that he would stick pins in the doll from time to time and a Cub would be hurt.

    The crowd cheered loudly!

    Then they began the chant:  "Cubs Suck.  Cubs Suck."  You know the drill.

    The chanting went on for 6 hours!  Men and women were hoarse by the end.  Children were crying.  The Sausages slumped to the ground in pain and agony from wearing those costumes for so long.  Bucky Beaver, or whatever its name is, ended up with leg cramps from going down the slide 2, 544 times. A record at the park.

    Now, if you ask someone about it they will deny it ever happened.  They were sworn to secrecy by placing heir hand on a picture of Aaron Rogers and pledging never to reveal what was said or done that night.

    Some of you may scoff at this.....but you can not prove it did not happen, can you?

    Remember, you heard it from me first.

    Strange weather night.

    We had an alarm that there was a severe storm with 60+ mile per hour winds heading towards us from Dixon, and we got nothing. 

    The air is thick with blowing dirt, and at dusk there was a haze like quality.  Its was a gritty haze.

    I worked in the veggie garden today but the wind eventually beat me and I had to quit.

    We do need the rain.

    We are in a tornado watch until midnight....which means I will be playing a lot of solitaire.

Peace ad Love

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