Tuesday, January 9, 2024


 This was not as bad as I thought it would be

    I think we have about 4 inches, much less than the 7-11 predicted.  Or the 6-9, depending  on the forecast.

    The winds don't feel so bad right now either.  

    But it is a heavy, wet snow.  And right now my front porch is icing up, so dog Beth and I better be careful when we venture out.

    Ah yes.....venturing out.

    Beth went out the front door 3 times this morning.  She made it to the end of the porch, looked around, felt the wet snow, and came back inside.

    I finally got her out the back door, I think because she was desperate and the wind was not as bad behind the house.

    Corki had a unique way of dealing with the snow.  She would go out on the porch and pee on the cement!  She did the same on the patio.  She did not like the snow on her belly.  I used to snow blow a path for her to use, but I have not done that with Beth yet.

    My driveway is still not plowed. My guess is he is waiting for the snow to stop.  I am fine with that because I was not going anywhere today anyway.

    After he comes tomorrow I will blow the sidewalk and make a path in the grass for Beth.

    The tree is down and put away.  I just have a few odds and ends to lug downstairs.  For the most part, it is all in the basement.  Not put away, necessarily.  That would make a good project for Friday, when the next round of snow moves into the area.

    I watched some kids using their sleds in the retention pond today.  I think the snow was just too wet for good gliding.  They were only out there a few minutes.

    My neighbors have not made a snowman yet.   Last week there were 2 houses with the snow people, but again, this is a really wet snow.

    I can't remember the last time I made a snowman.  

    Guess it is never too late to act young, right?

Peace and Love

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